How does noise modelling with Nexus work?
Nexus is an integrated noise management system that is intuitive, versatile, and user friendly. It combines noise modelling capability with operational, environmental, and noise monitoring data to predict noise in real time, thus providing valuable insights into your operations.
Nexus software is installed on your server. All information is collated and stored in a central database for easy retrieval and reporting.
Nexus seamlessly integrates with these types of datasets:
- fleet management system
- collision avoidance system
- continuous noise monitoring
- weather data
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
- GPS data
- marine, aircraft, and rail traffic data.
Contact us today to book a demonstration and find out how Nexus can help solve your noise challenges.
Features and benefits of noise modelling
How Nexus helps improve your operations and simplifies your noise management obligations

Real-time predictions
Use available operational data combined with predictive modelling to produce real-time noise contours to understand your noise contribution and defend against nuisance claims.

Manage compliance
Develop management plans and take a proactive approach to noise compliance and thus avoid complaints, resulting in better community engagement.

Powerful planning tool
Perform fact-based planning using weather forecasts and predictive technology to make informed decisions and develop noise mitigation plans.

Greater accuracy
Obtain greater accuracy by using operational data to track and correlate mobile sources with predictive noise modelling and monitoring.

Visual tool and reporting
Provide real-time noise contour maps, enable monitoring and modelling, and set alerts to identify noise breaches.

Reduce downtime
Proactively managing your operations will reduce the impact of noise on surrounding communities and thus reduce complaints, with the flow-on effects of reducing downtime and increasing efficiency.

Nexus offers common sense solutions to complex, variable and sometimes difficult challenges designed by recognised industry specialists
Scheduler: Predict and plan activities with confidence
Scheduler ensures that planned operations comply with noise limits and provides auditable evidence of this compliance.
You can schedule activities at the right time and make operational decisions with confidence using noise prediction and weather forecast data.
Scheduler is simple to use and outputs data immediately, effectively eliminating the need to base schedules, plans, and operations on what happened weeks or months ago.

Designed for ease of use and tailored to your needs

Nexus offers common sense solutions to complex, variable and sometimes difficult challenges designed by recognised industry specialists
Execute: Real-time noise modelling and management system
Execute provides instantaneous noise compliance feedback. It’s a real-time modelling tool that gives you a clear understanding of your noise emissions. This allows you to manage your operations in real time and adaptively change when circumstances such as weather and equipment change, to ensure your noise emissions always remain in compliance.
Real-time visibility also allows you to make strategic decisions, enhances risk assessment, and reduces the reporting burden by providing you with up-to-date, accurate data in an easy-to-use predictive analytics engine.
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